Computer-Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy

MTI uses computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM) to determine the size, composition, abundance, and association of mineral grains in prepared coal, biomass, and petroleum-coke samples. By conducting this analysis, we can assess the behavior of the mineral grains during combustion or gasification. CCSEM analysis can also help us predict impacts of fuel properties on wear of system components, slag flow, fouling of heat exchangers, fine-particle collection, and ash handling.

Compare with

SEM Morphological Analysis, which is used to fully characterize materials. An SEM morphology provides information about the physical relationships of the size, crystallinity, and juxtaposition of the phases present.

or Scanning Electron Microscopy Point Count (SEMPC), which to characterizes entrained ash and deposits. Often by combining SEMPC with morphological analysis, MTI can provide a good understanding of a particular deposition problem.

Automated CCSEM

With automated CCSEM, MTI analyzes fuel sample cross-sections utilizing backscattered electron imaging (BEI) combined with automated particle recognition and chemical analysis. This method allows us to determine the composition, size, and abundance of mineral types. A typical BEI of a coal cross-section and a spectra of a kaolinite mineral are shown below.

The automated CCSEM method allows up to 3,000 mineral grains to be characterized. Using the compositional data, we can classify mineral particle types based on composition of standard minerals.

Backscattered electron image (BEI) of a cross-section of pulverized coal showing coal particles (gray) and mineral grains (white).
CCSEM X-ray spectra of a kaolinite mineral particle.

Left: Backscattered electron image (BEI) of a cross-section of pulverized coal showing coal particles (gray) and mineral grains (white). Right: X-ray spectra of a kaolinite mineral particle.

CCSEM Method

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